
Villa Torre Merlata


The B&B is located 1.5 km far from the Pompeii, Torre Annunziata sud and Boscoreale motorway exits and 800 meters far from the local Circumvesuviana station.

The large indoor and outdoor spaces, the comfort of the rooms, all equipped with bathroom and overlooking the garden, the large secure parking, the vast relaxation areas of the park available to guests, the serenity and quiet of immersion in nature, the return in without time limits and the proximity to the archaeological sites of Pompeii, Boscoreale, Oplonti, Stabia, Ercolano and Poggiomarino, the Amalfi and Sorrento coasts and near access to the cone of Vesuvius, make this structure the ideal place for a holiday with a cultural background, relaxation, sea and immersion in nature.

“Lucifer was chicked out from heaven and stole a piece of it that held with him to Earth. Because of this piec, the Gulf of Naples was formed.

Christ recognizing the stolen Paradise piece (and still suffering the loss of Lucifer, who had been the best angel), wept his tears on Vesuvius. 

From these tears were born vines and grapes from which a “divine” wine is obtained. And so, here is the reason why this wine takes the name of Lacryma Christi“.

Archaeological excavations of Boscoreale

Antiquarium of Boscoreale

The Antiquarium is an archaeological museum located in Boscoreale: from the excavations of Pompeii, Herculaneum, Oplonti, Stabia and Boscoreale, it offers an insight into the uses and customs of Roman life, as well as nature during this period...

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Villa Regina

The Villa Regina is the only one open in Boscoreale and it's completely rebuilt and restored: it is a rustic villa, on two levels, dating back to the 1st century BC...

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Tesoro di Boscoreale

The Boscoreale treasure is a set of 108 pieces of goldsmith's art, mainly in silver, from the 1st century AD. It was found in 1895 in the excavations of a Roman villa in Pisanella, in the Pisanella-Settermini district in Boscoreale, currently preserved in the Louvre museum in Paris.

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Archaeological excavations of Oplonti

By archaeological excavations of Oplonti we mean a series of archaeological finds belonging to the Pompeian suburban area of Oplontis, buried together with Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabiae after the eruption of Vesuvius in 79: today the archaeological area is located in the center of the modern city of Torre Annunziata and includes an otium villa called «di Poppea» and a rustic villa called «B» or «di Lucius Crassius Tertius».

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Scavi Archeologici di Stabia

The archaeological excavations of Stabia have brought to light the remains of the ancient and homonymous city, near the Varano hill, as well as a set of buildings that were part of its ager. The excavation campaign began in 1749, during the reign of Charles of Bourbon through tunnels, while for the orderly and systematic open-air investigations it was necessary to wait until 1950, the year from which the work of the principal Libero D'Orsi was central.

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Pompeii and Herculaneum

Internationally renowned tourist destinations, the archaeological excavations of Pompeii and Herculaneum represent
one of the most important architectural testimonies of the Campania region.

Naples and Vesuvius

Rich in historical monuments, artistic, culinary and cultural traditions, Naples is one of the most important and well-known cities in southern Italy, characterized by the imposing presence of Vesuvius, the dormant volcano that gives the city the charm recognized all over the world.

Amalfi Coast

Declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, the Amalfi Coast is one of the most characteristic places
and suggestive to visit, a stop not to be missed.

Sorrento Coast

Stretch of coast famous all over the world for its naturalistic, scenic and gastronomic beauty, as well as the site of important tourist settlements. It takes its name from the city of Sorrento, the most important city in the area and the central nucleus of the coast.

Anti Covid-19 procedures, obligations and recommendations


This structure guarantees cleaning and disinfection of rooms and common areas according to national guidelines.


It is mandatory to maintain a distance of at least one meter from staff and other guests in all common areas

It is mandatory to wear a mask in all common areas

It is mandatory to throw disposable masks and gloves used in the appropriate containers

Do not leave your room if you suspect symptoms related to Covid-19 and immediately notify the Manager

The Manager is authorized to detect body temperature and can prevent access in case of temperature> 37.5 ° C

If you have a fever or flu-like symptoms, notify the staff immediately

It is mandatory to wash or disinfect your hands before entering the breakfast room

It is mandatory to wash or disinfect hands before entering the common areas

Avoid gatherings in common areas


Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or disinfect them with alcohol-based gels

Open the windows to ventilate the room before leaving

Daily cleaning can only be carried out when the guest is not in the room

Please do not touch the fridge and / or kitchen tools and machinery. Contact the manager

Please keep your room keys with you for the duration of your stay

Cover your mouth and hands with a tissue if you cough or sneeze